Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
We'd like to see your plants. Can we come visit?
You are welcome to pick orders up but we do not have a retail garden center or display gardens. In order to do so you will need to place an order and set up an appoinment to pick it up.We are in a remote area where access can be limited due to flooding. We do not have full range of stock in pots. Our stock is dug out and prepared for shipping which makes on the spot ordering impossible. Sadly, we often get phone messages from people who haven't contacted us in advance and are disappointed that they can't just pop in. The same goes for people who pop in without calling , they are usually greeted by our 3 overly enthusiastic Red Heelers that will jump up on you the minute you leave your car :)
In addittion we have been hit by a catagory 5 cyclone and are very busy repairing our home, gardens and business. Please respect that we cannot have people randomly dropping by.
If you have placed an order and would like to pick it up call us on 40685 058.
The best place in all of Australia to see heliconias is Flecker Botanical Gardens in Cairns. They don't hack into their clumps, send their flowers to market or constantly break them up for stock as we do. The Flecker Botanical Gardens in Cairns is well worth a trip and has beautiful display gardens.
What happens after I pay for my order?
After we recieve confirmation that the order has been paid we send it out on the following Monday or Tuesday. Payment needs to be cleared by 9 am on Friday to go out the following Monday or Tuesday as we need time to prepare and pack the plants..
Do you ship to WA?
No, due to quarantine restrictions we don’t ship overseas or to WA.
How do you ship?
We are now shipping via Eparcel.eParcel is Australia Post's Internet enabled freight system. The delivery status of a package can be checked via the Internet at www.eparcel.com.au
Please make sure you include your mailing address on the order form and are available to recieve and pot up your plants as they are perishable items.
Do you have an order minimum?
There is no minimum order anymore.
How much is postage?
We now have a flat postage fee per state. That means the more you order the more you save! Our rates are as followes Qld= $15 NSW=$20 ACT=$20 Vic=$20 SA= $25 NT=$25
How much is postage?
We now have a flat postage fee per state. That means the more you order the more you save! Our rates are as followes Qld= $15 NSW=$20 ACT=$20 Vic=$20 SA= $25 NT=$25
What size plant am I purchasing?
The plants in the photos are of mature plants. In most cases you’ll be purchasing a rhizome, pup or young plant that has been barerooted. The shopping cart indicates what size/type plants are available to purchase.Depending on availability we may substitute a rhizome for barerooted plant and visa versa. Foliage is ften cutback for transport.
What should we do once we receive our plant?
We recommend potting your plant up in a well drained potting mix, adding a small dose of organic fertilizer and putting them in strong indirect light until roots establish in the pot. Once they have established you can plant them in your garden in a good sized hole with a bit of compost or organic fertilizer. Mulching is also recommended. potting heliconias link.
Where will these plants grow?
Most of the plants we sell are from Tropical and Subtropical climates. Some will grow outside of the subtropics but will need more care. We have indicated a minimum temperature that the plant will be able to survive at a few nights a year but zone maps can also be helpful in deciding if the plants you have chosen will do well for you. Generally, in marginal areas ability to grow will depend on appropriate species selection and creating a suitable microclimate. Heliconias for Brisbane and Well Drained Rich Soil: What Does It Mean? Are two articles on our blog that you may find useful.
I’ve heard North Queensland heliconias don’t grow in S.E. Queensland . Is that true?
Absolutely not. When you buy a heliconia rhizome/plant you are not only buying the genetic material but also the stored energy that will send up new healthy shoots quickly. Our stock is famous for its health and vigor. In addition, while most S.E. Queensland grower’s stock is still dormant, ours is already actively growing. This means you can get your rhizomes in early before it gets too hot and while there is still a full growing season ahead before winter. In the early days a few disreputable growers flogged inferior, nonvigorous stock off to our southern neighbors and the myth was born.
When is the best time to put plants in?
It can vary from region to region, garden to garden but as a general rule early spring. What sort of fertilizer should I use?
Heliconias and gingers are heavy feeders so any slow release fertilizer in spring, mid summer and autumn is fine. We also give them foliar sprays of kelp and fish emulsion in winter and in stressful conditions. There are a number of articles on the blog designed to help you get the most out of your garden please read them.
I'd like an instant garden. How can I get this?
Contact us to find out if we have the stock you are after in pots. Our freight carrier generally needs a minum of 5 trays (between 20-30 plants)
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