Mar 15, 2008

Wwoofing With Us- Jungle Helpx

Our little piece of Paradise in the Rainforest


We have enjoyed hosting Wwoofers and Helpx Helpers from all over the world.

It's a great way for backpackers to see a side of Australian Rainforest life they would never see, challenge themselves and cut back on the cost of travelling. We started hosting Wwoofers in 2004 but prefer the flexibility of Helpx so we are no longer members of Wwoof Australia.. 

We have a mailorder tropical plant nursery where we sell exotic plants and tropical fruits and veggies from all over the world. You can see some of the plants we grow and sell on our website.  You'll get a chance to try some while you are here. 

We are looking for people with a strong work ethic who can work independently , use their brains, are happy to jump into whatever needs doing and have a desire to better themselves and the world around them. 

We would also expect that you have at least a basic level of conversational English so at least we can communicate and get to know one another...

The mighty Michael and Jan. Who knew an Ivy League Math scholar and a chef would be so good at everything?

Generally  Helpx Helpers can expect to work  3 hours per day/about 20 hours per week. Generally we work 5 four hour days and have two days off but they are not necessarily Saturdays and Sundays and sometimes not in a row. It will often depend on the weather (we like to go fishing/boating/camping when the weather is right) and the type of work that is on and we need time to be able to prepare for these trips. So you will need to be flexible regarding days off and occasionally work hours. We mostly try and get the hours done before lunch but it's a lot for us to coordinate jobs to skills levels, supervise and prepare for trips. So we just really just need our helpers to jump in where needed.  We are VERY grateful for the help we receive from volunteers but if you are really just interested in ticking off your hours when it suits you, this isn't the place for you. If you are a Quiet Quitter, this isn't the place for you. This is a place for genuine people that would like to experience Wet Tropical Rainforest Living, do a little boating and knock over some visa days. 
Croc Spotting on the River

Tasks can include things like potting up plants, propagating cuttings, weeding, digging and mulching and whatever needs doing around the place.... You will need to be physically fit as this is physical work.

Baked Reef fish with Marco, Elaine and Philipo.


 Scott has allergies to Cigarette smoke and the chemicals in insect repellants,deodorants,bug spray etc and Ann has asthma

So  NO SMOKERS and  people need to  refrain from using aerosol sprays and perfumes/deodorants whilst staying with us..

We are happy to provide you with our own low allergy homemade insect repellent while you are here..

Neccesary items to bring....STURDY FOOTWEAR (Joggers or Workboots are best), WATER BOTTLE bigger the better(1 to 2 litres), a  WIDE BRIMMED HAT and WORK CLOTHES (light, loose, longsleeved and be prepared to get dirty).


Light coloured, long sleeved loose fitting COTTON or LINEN shirt and pants are essential travelware for Australia and in particular the Tropics...Dark colours(Black, dark blue etc) and heavy fabrics are way too hot in summer and are known to attract Mosquitoes, Horseflies and Houseflies....we also use this clothing on the boats to stop sandflies while fishing in the river and to prevent sunburn..If you have ANY issues with bugs or sun DONT be without these essentials..

Accommodation is in a separate 2 bedroom granny flat complete with bathroom, living area, tv,  kitchenette and fully screened for insect protection. While we love having Wwoofers we also find that it's best if we have some individual space. That's why we have gone to the trouble and expense of creating a separate accommodation. If you have been living in bunkbeds 10 to a room with no privacy in hostels you will find this a welcome change:) . We expect you to keep the wwoof house Clean, neat and tidy. Both our Wwoofer accommodation and house have been built by us using simple construction techniques. Both are clean, airy and comfortable but not flash (Wwoof house has electricity, wireless internet, fans, solar hot water, tv). We have a gravity feed water system, solar power and grow and fish for some of our food. Be prepared to harvest your own veggies and try new things as we eat what is in season and what we can grow in a tropical climate.

Foodwise, we provide cereal, milk, jam, butter, eggs, bread for Brekkie. ...For lunch and dinner you will be cooking for yourself in your self contained accommodation. We provide you with fish (or another protein), pasta, rice,flour, oil, some spices, tropical veggies from the garden (Taro,Carrot, Pumpkin,Choko,Kangkong and other Asian greens depending what's ready to harvest, description and recipes at bottom of the blog) carrots, onions and a bit of store bought veggies ... Pretty much the basics. If you are on a budget, it's enough to make a meal, if you are picky, you'll probably need to buy a few things yourself. If you don't like fish, this is a terrible place for you because we eat a lot of fish! 

We think that is fair for a 20 hour week (Less than 3 hrs a day when you divide by 7)

Also feel free to bring your own junkfood and alcohol (in moderation). There is a lovely little gourmet shop, The Pocket, walking distance away for little homemade bakery treats, barista coffee and a range of organic products and fruit and veg.
This is the sort of premium fish you'll be eating

If your dream host is on a suburban beachfront block with maid service, air conditioning, a private chef and a swimming pool you won't be happy here, so please find a place where you'll be happy! This is not an AirB&B, it is our home. We are not into wanton consumerism or wasting resources. This is your opportunity to see an alternative lifestyle, eat some organic food that is grown here and live in the Rainforest, and hopefully get out on our awesome boat!
We have snorkel gear and stinger suits, all you need is your water bottle, towel, hat and sunscreen.

Kitchenette with hotplates, microwave, kettle, toaster and rice cooker and food of course!!!

Bedroom 1
Bedroom 2

View from your private veranda. A great place to have a coffee in the morning and listen to the birds sing.
The Wwoof House is set in Organic Tropical Edible Gardens including Bananas, Papaya, Passionfruit, Arrowroot,SweetLeaf Lemongrass, Chilis, Tumeric, Kava,Ceylon Spinach to name a few. We have recently reestablished rare and unusual tropical fruit trees as well.

You must also like dogs as we have 3 spoilt pooches who are treated like family........

Tiger and Coco having a day at the beach..


Please remember that it rains in the rainforest and rainforests have very rich biodiversity, including bugs.  

Yes, there are peace loving spiders in the rainforest.None here are venomous but they are around and often encountered..they are our friends and an essential part of the ecosystem catching and eating flies, mosquitoes and other small bugs..

You can expect good food. wireless access, and laundry facilities on your days off. We will also try and get you out on the boat if there is an offer of help with setup and cleanup......
Getting prepared before a trip (usually the afternoon prior) and Cleaning up after trips isn't counted as "work hours". It's part of the things that need to be done to go on a fishing/snorkeling trip! 

Giant Clam from Dunk Island

During June to September the Fish and Humpback whales are migrating close to the coastline and we. love to get out amongst them when the weather allows us..

We also sometimes take longer term wwoofers/helpers or people who have been putting in real and meaningful effort camping to Hinchinbrook Island to fish for the world famous Barramundi..This is mainly in September/October.

Our son Sean cast netting for fresh Barramundi bait at sunset on a Hinchinbrook island camping trip...

Whale Season They Can Come Up to the Boat Which is Pretty Special!

There are jungle walks throughout the property as well as a variety of swimming holes walking distance away. We encourage you to use your days off to explore our beautiful area. El Arish is within walking distance (3km) from the property and has a pub, service station and post office/shop and 2km to a specialty barista coffee shop with lovely homemade organic treats. The Pocket 
Gurrbum wildlife reserve is 10 minute walk away and is an interesting place if you are interested in rainforest revegetation, there's a little info here

We are in a very rural area which can be quite a shock for some people. While it isn't necessary to have a car it certainly is a bonus if you are keen to explore Far North Queensland while here.
This is the private swimming hole on our property. We back onto over 240,000 acres of World Heritage Rainforest with more beautiful swimming holes further up the creek that you can access for free unlike the Daintree.

People who can entertain themselves or want some quiet time away from the rush of the city or enjoy bushwalking, hiking, swimming, etc are generally better suited to life here than party animals.

We live in harmony with other rainforests occupants.

We live in a totally amazing area sandwiched between two World Heritage areas. For most backpackers this is as intimate an experience with Rainforest as they will ever get. On par the Daintree Rainforest! We are also about 15 km from one the the most spectacular beaches in Australia, Mission Beach .

We are two hours south of Cairns and if you do not have a car can be reached by Premier Bus. There is a bus that leaves Cairns every morning at 7:25am and arrives at El Arish at 9:05. 

Please book your ticket to El Arish. We can pick you up in El Arish by prearrangement (please contact us before you book) We do not make night pickups or drop offs. During Summer Wednesday is our ideal arrival day as Ann packs plants all weekend (it's better when we are all off together).

Any other arrival method or bus company please discuss prior to see if we can accommodate you..

Cairns is home to both International and Domestic airports....

Please remember we are in a rural area so  it's a good idea to bring whatever you need as we only go to town once a week and things are more expensive in rural areas than in larger towns.

We believe it is better to be upfront about our expectations and what you can expect. In the long run it makes for a better exchange for both parties. This is our family home and we are happy to share it with people who want a fair and equal exchange but  please come here with the attitude that you are happy to fit into our home and life and not that we have to change things to accommodate you...

 The work is physical here, sometimes hard but it's important to us that you are happy here. .We love people with landscaping skills like our bubbly Frenchman Jon Marc...

We always have building projects on the go so if you have trade skills or are handy with powertools please let us know!

So if you are interested  drop us a line and tell us about yourself, please include when you would like to come and how long you would like to stay for, what skills you have and if you are using your time towards a visa sign off. We'd love to see your Helpx profile and hopefully we'll be seeing you soon!!

Warm Regards,  Scott & Ann

Wanna see how our Wwoofers and Helpers spend their free time? Hit the link below.
Swimmin'After work

Dunk Island...a popular place for a daytrip just off the Mission beach coastline...also a great place for Mackeral fishing during the winter... 

The lovely Geminy, potting up plants .

Video featuring Ann and our Dutch Wwoofer Gino on a Tour with Ingan Tours. Gino you're a star!!

Fancy a little fishing?  Haul from a reef trip
Daniel our Irish electrician got to haul in this Spanish Mackerel all by himself on a reef trip

We Sometimes go to Pristine Areas of the Great Barrier Reef. Are you a hard worker willing to put in effort? You might be on your way with us!

Our 6.25m walk around cabin plate boat with a 200hp Honda engine
Your Ticket To Paradise!

There is a small rainforest swimming hole about 25 meters from your accommodation. Great for quick dips to cool off or wake up.

Some of the veggies we grow that you may not know

Tatsoi- Tatsoi: Nutrients, Benefits, and Recipes ( recipes- tatsoi recipe - Search (

Taro  7 Surprising Benefits of Taro Root (   recipes- taro recipes - Search (

Choko- The Ultimate Guide to Choko Vegetable: Benefits, Uses, and Recipes – IWantVeggies

Kang Kong- Health Benefits Of Eating Water Spinach (Kang-Kong) | Dr Farrah MD recipes-kang kong recipe - Search (

Sambung- Gynura procumbens: Greens to Grow for Long Life - Tropical House & Garden (

Sweetleaf-Sweet Leaf – Herbs are Special


Spices we grow Scott will be happy to show you where they are:

Kaffir Lime. Galangal, Saw Tooth Coriander, Turmeric, Pandanus amaryllifolius.